Dear Member,
DIT college in association with are currently researching
and writing a detailed report on the challenges facing entrepreneurs with
disabilities in Ireland.
and writing a detailed report on the challenges facing entrepreneurs with
disabilities in Ireland.
As part of this study we wish to undertake an online survey of existing or
aspiring entrepreneurs with disabilities but we are concerned that we may
not succeed in getting a large response if the work is seen as being
academically orientated.
I am contacting you to ask if you if you know someone with a disability that
would be interested in helping us with the survey.
We have provided a link on our website to the survey.
This is the first survey of its kind ever in Ireland and it would be
wonderful if you could be part of it with us.
Fiona Duignan
Policyand Projects Manager
Inclusion Ireland
UnitC 2, The Steelworks
Foley Street
Dublin 1
Tel: 01-8559891
Fax: 01-8559904