Monday, October 17, 2011

Meeting of the Minds

A few weeks ago, SeeClickFix CEO Ben Berkowitz joined fellow leaders and innovators from across the globe for the annual Meeting of the Minds. The two-day event sought to challenge "old paradigms with untold urban sustainability innovations and fresh ideas from around the world." With its reputation in sustainability, Boulder served as the perfect backdrop for this year's conference which focused on the role innovation plays in effecting post-carbon urban environments.

Ben spoke alongside Mayor Ron Littlefield of Chattanooga and John Williams, senior VP of HDR Engineering Inc, on a panel entitled "Sourcing Urban Innovations from the Bottom Up + from the Top Down – Empowering City Dwellers Through Open Source/Smart Apps"---try saying that ten times fast.

Throughout the session, they discussed how innovative organizations (like SeeClickFix) discover new ways to harness the collective knowledge of city dwellers to solve both simple and difficult urban problems from monitoring traffic and pollution to pinpointing potholes and other infrastructure concerns. In the process of employing new technologies, municipalities can engage the public and promote "sustainability, smarter planning, and action-oriented policy dialogue." To learn more about this topic (and see Ben rockin' his sportcoat), check out the session's video below!

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