Wednesday, September 7, 2011

This Weekend in Westville: Clean up the West River Trail!

This weekend SeeClickFix is teaming up with the Westville Village Renaissance Alliance to clean up an important gateway to Westville Village and to the West River Trail. Read all about our efforts below and come help us close Issue #120165 - Clean up the West River Trail - Saturday, September 10, from 9:30AM - 11:30AM!

WHAT? A community cleanup to improve the West River trail at the intersection of Whalley Avenue in the Westville neighborhood of New Haven. Volunteers are needed to assist with:
  • Sweeping litter that collects along the edge of the paved trail.
  • Trimming the Japanese Knotweed that grows over the trail.
  • Sweeping the sidewalk along Whalley as it approaches the intersection of Whalley and the West River.
  • Pulling debris from the river and river bank that hasn't been carried downstream by Hurricane Irene, including metal signs.
WHEN and WHERE? Saturday, September 10, from 9:30AM to 11:30AM. Volunteers will meet at the gazebo in Edgewood Park near the corner of Whalley and West Rock Ave. Convenient parking is just off West Rock Avenue in Edgewood Park, near the gazebo.

WHAT SHOULD I WEAR? Sturdy boots, sneakers or wellingtons and socks to protect against poison ivy and no-see-ums, insect repellent and work gloves.

WHAT SHOULD I BRING? If you have it, bring a good broom, or litter grabber. Check with us later this week to see what we still need, including shovels or pruning sheers. Bringing along family and friends is also definitely encouraged!

SHOULD I RSVP? Yes! Please shoot us an email at to let us know that you're coming, or if you have any questions or concerns we can address.

We hope to see you Saturday!
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