Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Brains, Trains and Video Games: Living the Autism Life by Alicia Hart

Brains, Trains& Video Games:
Living TheAutism Life
Alicia Hart

Brains,Trains & Video Games: Living The Autism Life details theemotional, humorous and often profoundly insightful journey of an everydayfamily raising a child with autism. This is a book about life with Ewan—thecenter of one family's universe and the gravity that holds them together. Farfrom being the stressor that causes this family to disintegrate, autism hasmade this family what it is today. A family that laughs more than it cries, anda family that eagerly awaits for the next Ewanism to spring forth from the lipsof this solar system’s sun. Over the years we have built a bridge between hisworld and ours, his brain and ours, and his perspective and ours. Join us onthe journey we’ve taken to help create a world of possibility for our son—aworld filled with words, thoughts, ideas, and love.

Alicia Hart, author of Brains, Trains & Video Games, is a wife,mother and advocate for children and adults with autism spectrum disorder. Shehas worked for various autism related agencies, early intervention programs,and has consulted with schools, hospitals, and other programs regarding autismspectrum disorders, feeding aversions, and augmentative and alternativecommunication. Alicia continues to write and has planned a series of bookssurrounding the autism life. The first book, Brains, Trains & VideoGames details their life through infancy, early intervention, augmentativeand alternative communication, feeding problems, medical care and preschool.The next book, Foods, Moods & Isms will be out soon.

Brains,Trains & Video Games:  Living The Autism Life is nowavailable in paperback, Kindle and Nook versions and can be found on Amazon.comand Barnes and Noble.com!  For more information find Alicia on Facebook atThe Autism Life or at Brains, Trains & Video Games.  Also on Twitter@EwanismoftheDay  
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