Thursday, August 4, 2011

Developing Educational Games for Children with Autism - survey.

Developing Educational Games for Children with Autism

Thisemail will be sent to Educational Psychology (& similar) departments at educationalinstitutions to request circulation of the survey to members of the faculty &students currently doing research in this area. The detailed Information Sheetwill be attached with this email.


You are invited to participate in a brief online survey regardingeffectiveness of different technologies used in video games forencouraging interaction in children with autism. Iwould be grateful for your help in circulating this survey among the facultyand students of your department. This survey should only take 4-5 minutes and is open to faculty andstudents who have experience working closely with individuals with autism.

No identifying information will be collected, andyour responses will remain confidential. Participation is voluntary.

The information from this survey will beused to help us structure the basic foundations
 for designing video games and computer applications specificallyaimed for encouraging interaction in children with autism.

Please click the survey link below to take the 5-minute survey.  For more detailed information on the survey please see the attached Information SheetDocument.

This survey has been reviewed by the Texas A&M University InstitutionalReview Board (IRB). If you have questions or concerns about this project,please contact Naureen Mahmood  at or (817) 797-8154. If you have questions about your rights asa participant, please contact the TAMU IRB at (979) 458-1467.

Thank you very much for your time andassistance.


Naureen Mahmood

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