Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Love Thy Neighbor, Not Their Garbage

By Emma

SeeClickFix user Patricia MacNary was fed up with a filthy situation behind her residence in Troy, New York. The live-in landlord reported that the alley behind her house was overflowing with garbage thanks to a negligent landlord and his or her careless tenants. Patricia created Issue #88079 and described the mess in great detail.

The garbage in the alley is disgusting; it's all out of the bags!! Rats are having a ball!
Within 2 days of posting the issue, a positive dialogue formed in the comments between Patricia and other SCF users in Troy on how to clean up the alley and hold landlords accountable for their properties. SeeClickFix "Civic Crusader" Billie-Jean Green organizes street-cleaning groups around Troy and was happy to lend a hand to her neighbor in need, saying:

I am also happy to hear you are a landlord that is on the premises of the property! We hope that all of the hard work we are doing in all the neighborhood groups throughout the city will bring more people like you here =)
After seeing this issue she not only offered to send a crew to clean Patricia’s area, but alerted Troy Councilman Mark McGrath about the problem. Patricia quickly received this message from the Councilman via Billie-Jean on SeeClickFix:

“Went with code up there today and 25 120th was clean, however two houses north the tenants have just recently been evicted for throwing garbage in their yard and the corner house on the alley at 121 st has been given their final code notice to clean it or they will appear in court. Please tell Mrs. MacNary. Thanks”
These users are a perfect example of how to quickly and peacefully resolve issues while strengthening communities through SeeClickFix!

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