Friday, February 11, 2011

iPro Aviator Kneeboard for iPad

After some unexpected manufacturing delays, the iPro Aviator kneeboard is now available and shipping. You may remember the metal construction iPro kneeboard, but the iPro Aviator is the second generation: It's a more affordable version constructed of plastic and it also offers some new features.

The iPro Aviator is an iPad case that you can strap to your leg, just like a regular kneeboard. The iPad fits in the iPro Aviator snugly, but it can be easily removed, too. The molded plastic construction is well-made and sturdy without being too bulky or heavy. The hinged cover closes over the iPad and provides a clip for holding a pad of paper. While I've become accustomed to writing on the iPad using the app Penultimate, I recognize that this is not a natural arrangement for eveyone: Some pilots still find tired-and-true pen and paper to be the most convenient.

The hinged cover is designed so that it does not entirely cover the iPad's screen, and that allows you to open and close the cover without interfering with the aircraft's control yoke. If you don't like the cover or let's say you fly an aircraft that has a stick, the plastic hinge design allows the cover to be removed entirely. In some cockpits you may find the open cover can interfere with the other pilot or passenger.

One new feature is the built-in kickstand that folds out and allows the iPad to stand up on a flat surface. The kickstand is handy for those times when you want to use a bluetooth keyboard. It works as advertised, but its construction includes two white plastic rivets. Beware that the back side of these rivets are fairly sharp and not exactly recessed. I managed to scrape my knuckles on one of them. Good thing I carry some band-aids in my flight bag. ***Update*** The manufacturer has recognized the problem and is now polishing the sharp rivets so they are no longer pointed and sharp. ***

Like its metal predecessor, the iPro Aviator has a relatively thin elastic strap that attaches around your leg with velcro. I'd like to see the strap have longer velcro attach points since the strap was a bit too long from my legs. Perhaps pilots with a higher BMI or who have more muscle mass won't find this a problem, but I did.

***Update*** There is a loop sewn into the leg strap that is meant to be a pen/pencil holder, I just missed it. ***

I think a pen or pencil holder would be a nice addition, right about here ...

At $79.95US the iPad Aviator isn't the cheapest solution, but it is well-constructed, fits the iPad well, provides a kickstand for table top use, and offers a convenient solution for those hi-tech pilots who still prefer to take notes using pen (or pencil) and paper.
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