Saturday, October 16, 2010

Who is an SEO Freelancer ?

SEO Freelancer
If you need some help with your SEO but your budget won’t allow a full time company’s assistance, you may want to consider hiring an SEO freelancer.

When you are sourcing a third party to handle your SEO, it is important to find an individual that you can work well with. By taking the time to look for a freelancer or a consultant, you’re going to have a very large group of people from which to choose. You can then find the one whose personality meshes well with yours, which can be very important when you’re working on your first optimization campaign.

What They Do

A freelancer  is going to work much the same as a regular SEO company who provide seo consulting. They’ll need to analyze your site and then go through the process of picking keywords and finding ways to help you work within your budget. The main benefit comes from their approach, which is usually more one on one.

Let’s take a look at some of the different affordable seo services than an SEO consultant can offer you.

First, they will go over your entire site and figure out what you could be doing differently with it. For example, if you are already using keywords but you’re not seeing any results, they can help you fine-tune your campaign and spot what is going wrong. They can also give you ideas on how to implement your search engine optimization on your own budget.

This may mean making small changes over time that will lead to a bigger pay off down the road. For example, if you are on a really tight budget, they can assist you with just finding the right keywords and you can implement their recommendations on your own. We usually recommend this type of service for those who are already savvy with marketing and running a site but just need a little boost when it comes to finding the right keywords to use.

An SEO Freelancer will also be able to help you with other areas, such as the creation of landing pages and utilizing social networking sites. This has become one of the newest and easiest ways to promote site content, but it is rarely utilized effectively. It’s easy to make a mistake when you’re trying this technique and unfortunately, if you do make a mistake, your site may be labeled as spam.

A search engine optimization consultant can walk you through what you should and should not be doing when it comes to this kind of promotion. They are skilled at using ways of promotion that are not so obvert so you can avoid getting stuck with a label that doesn’t belong. This is a tricky area of promotion, but when used in the right manner, it can really pay off.

What does an SEO freelancer do?

This service is usually recommended for those who need a little more than a consultant can provide. We usually recommend freelancers for those who need to change large amounts of their site but don’t have the budget to hire a big company. These freelancers can usually get the job done quite quickly and overall, this is a form of cheap search engine optimization that really works.

An SEO freelancer will go over your site much like a consultant, but once you approve of the changes they want to make, they will move forward and begin implementing them for you. You will typically need to supply them with log in information so that they can make these changes, or you may prefer just to have them submit new content to you so you can add it in yourself.

This type of search engine optimizer will work closely with you and they can be a great time saver. This is also an appropriate option for those who want to optimize their site but are generally clueless when it comes to making changes, dealing with meta tags or handling large scale changes.

Cheap Search Engine Optimization

By far, this is an option that will cost you a lot less money. The average pay scale can vary from freelancer to freelancer, but you can expect to pay around $150 a month in most cases. When compared with fees that may range into the thousands with larger companies, this is a significant savings.

It is a good idea to hire an SEO consultant or freelancer for at least three months. This will give them time to recommend and make changes as well as monitor the results. They won’t happen overnight and there may times when your campaign may need to be tweaked a little bit. By keeping them employed over a longer time period, you can get extra help when it comes to maximizing your ROI.

An SEO expert freelancer will be skilled when it comes to deciphering analytic data and recommending changes that should be made. Most campaigns will need a little tweaking here or there for the most effectiveness. If you are planning on running a PPC campaign in addition to your optimization efforts, these experts can assist you in managing that campaign and making it work more effectively for you.

By far, this is a very affordable search engine optimization option that many small companies prefer to take. Sometimes, you need someone to hold your hand through a project, especially if you are completely new to optimization. Larger companies may not be able to spare the time to assist you through difficult phases and it is nice to know that you have someone who can help you through the entire process, from start to finish.
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