Friday, October 15, 2010

A Snack of Shoes

Today, we have a guest blog post from author Sarah Tsiang, who recently launched her book A Flock of Shoes in Kingston. Take it away, Sarah!

Children in Kingston will tell you that shoes are pretty tasty if you give them a try. On October 2nd, over 50 kids got their choice of chocolate or vanilla sandals at the Flock of Shoes book launch. Don't the sandals look delicious?

Even the local library got involved, planning an entire morning’s program around the theme of shoes and boots. At the end of the program, I read “A Flock of Shoes” and everyone headed upstairs for some crafts, cakes, and general partying.

Kids made wings for their shoes, sandals, and boots--there were quite a few children that we had to convince off the ceiling (wings and icing--you try keeping kids on the ground)! Abby, the star of the book, was busy all morning eating cake, demonstrating the craft, and assuring the grown-ups that the book is actually a true story (Abby wants me to write a side note to kids: the book isn’t really a true story, but grown-ups don’t know that).

Many thanks to all the great kids and grown-ups who came!
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