Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Let me  brief  this word 'job satisfaction'

100 percentage saturation in the word 'JOB' is achievable or not ?  I would say horribly unanswerable question. 

Most of the students( case of Me too ) reaching  MNC s and sells their brain to silly things ..simply silly things or keeps most of the time  their brain in switch off state.

Sometimes I feel salary matters, but someone like me coming from Electronics background and trying to expertise in MS excel or something , pains me why i have studied 4 years in Btech. What is the meaning of Btech ....

But of course I am sure that  there are solution to overcome this by selecting good career path and doing something effective or good .But I am not sure whether it is achievable for me. May this is because I like this idle state more than going for a risk.

If you are doing something with Full mind and getting preferable outcome and benefit , then its a state of satisfaction or saturation. ( This is my definition for satisfaction )

May I show you some cases of this :

1. Doing something with full mind and not getting enough outcome ( really discouraging feeling )

2. Not getting full mind to do thing,  may be because  the feeling of nothing gains from present work, can not expertise in this field or very poor idea on the present work etc

Sometimes I feel why  I can't find out the correct path .. what I know ? Nothing I know to do myself . But I have some in built abilities , may be those can not make much output as money .. but I would like to say those works I likes more .   

But I am hearing lot of advise like if we try to put  full mind and effort , it will produce more outcome and satisfaction .. try to expertise in the current working field. But I am not sure that is correct or not.

Job satisfaction rate  depends on individual, but much he utilize his brain and effort on his favorite area  even though  the outcome is less ..its somewhat manageable otherwise mind will not set anywhere .. that is what my experience 

I will never ever leave my interesting areas and always try to learn something new ... at least I will keep this as  my hobby  that may increase my mind satisfaction level.





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