Saturday, October 4, 2008

Shaastra 3rd day ( my second entry to shaastra)

This day some more encouraging because I could see open house ( means - all departments exhibit their labs and explain courses, tools they are using)

Labs :
Mechanical lab:
This was a good experience for me to mechanics. They have explained the power steering mechanism, testing of a braking system ... etc
Electrical Engineering :
They are some more active in IIT. I could see some good projects as well as posters of different technology like semiconductor, optics ..etc.

1. Image processing , QPSK,noise addition, transmission and receiving
2. Sensing the pressure of a diaphragm (which is pulsating) inside a bucket of water,reading the data for plotting graph ,measuring diameter variation
3. Optics
4. Semiconductor technology explanation

companies sponsoring to them : benchmark Tenet

Computer Science:

I have seen
1. FPGA lab( Altera board, VHDL program burning, quartus( forgot name) software )
2. Robot show ( laptop controlled wheel chair)
3. one SRM student explained me one telos board
Actually the board was connected to USB of Linux Os CPU. Using 'make' command he burnt the program to the board. The program is to read temperature and humidity of the room. Interesting stuff is, the board was connected to similar four boards at different places by wireless. They were also reading temp and humidity. He set an apache and mysql to display the current and last 10 set of informations.

IBM person talk
cell processor, ibm semiconductor areas...etc

This was a project demo of IITM students. The project designed by different (electronics and aerospace) department students in IIT. Their coordination,programming and mechanical skill is really amazing....

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