Thursday, January 10, 2008

Love that new book smell!

With the holidays fading into a distant memory, all of us at Annick are hard at work preparing for an exciting new season. Although it may look like winter outside, inside the Annick front office Kathy and Lisa are busy unpacking our beautiful new SPRING books!

The front office is Annick’s Grand Central Station—books arriving and departing, being sent all over the world. Kathy and Lisa are always working hard submitting books for awards, sending out review copies, preparing for fairs, and welcoming visiting authors.

Earlier this week The Apprentice’s Masterpiece by Melanie Little arrived (hot off the press!) at the office and all of us have been oohing and ahhing over how beautiful it looks. One of our favorite things about working at Annick is seeing the end result of everyone’s hard work—a beautiful new book—and holding it in your hands for the first time.
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