Friday, February 10, 2012

WIS-TV Hits the Streets with SeeClickFix

SeeClickFix media partner WIS-TV in Columbia, SC hit the streets this week to investigate an issue reported by one of their viewers. Issue #153450 - Need Stop Lights - highlights a deceptively dangerous intersection that many fear could lead to serious injuries if something isn't done.

After an anonymous viewer reported the issue through the SeeClickFix widget on the WIS-TV website, another viewer logged on and left a comment, adding important information about the intersection at Clemson and Percival. Vickie Covino wrote:
A stop light DEFINITELY needs to be added at percival and clemson road. It is nearly impossible to get out of Clemson road onto percival in the mornings and afternoons. If something isn't done soon someone is going to get hurt or killed. It is a very dangerous area. Plus it will help with the Fort Jackson Cemetery. Please consider putting a light there ASAP.
Reporters Shana Smith and Taylor Kearns read Vickie's comment on the original issue and posted a comment of their own, asking if she would be interested in being interviewed for the story they were working on.

Within a day, Vickie, her coworker Heather, and the WIS-TV crew were at the intersection filming and helping fix this problem once and for all! As part of their investigation, WIS-TV called the Department of Transportation and found out that the intersection has been approved for a stoplight which will be installed in the next several months.

Congrats to WIS-TV for a job very well done on their first SeeClickFix segment, and to Vickie and Heather for getting their issue the attention it deserves! Our team can't wait to see that WIS-TV will be fixing next!

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