First thing!
Kobo is running a great promotion of e-books published by independent Canadian publishers. Buy one and be entered to win a Kobo Touch eReader. Contest runs till Jan. 22: click here for more details!
Second thing!
Callista's Ramblings is running a giveaway: New Year, New Reads. There's a prize pack from Annick up for grabs, so head on over and enter. You can also use this special code for an extra entry (enter it in the secret giveaway spot): KIDSLOVEBOOKS.
Third thing!
Two of our titles have been featured in 10x10 book clubs: Chanda's Secrets and Cry of the Giraffe in the 10x10 Young Adult book club, and Cry of the Giraffe in the 10x10 Ethiopia book club. 10x10 is a campaign promoting girls' education in the developing world. Find out more here.
Fourth thing!
Want a free copy of our new YA thriller Erebos? You can enter now on GoodReads! Click below:
Fifth and final thing!
Have you all seen this yet? I know it's been making the rounds, and with good reason. It's a bookstore I've been to, too!
That's it! Have a great weekend, everyone!