A few months back, we told you about SubSeries' partnership with our citizen-reporting platform. This initiative serves as a sequence of design conversations that brings together architects, planners, artists, and writers to produce visionary drawings that radically re-imagine the public space of eleven New York City subway stations. The year-long project is curated by Baukunst, the design partnership of Elizabeth Lasater and Nico Weiss, and documented in a recently completed cataloge of drawings and essays.
This Saturday (November 19th), the SubSeries Team will be hosting a "Night School" event at Columbia University's Studio-X (180 Varick Street). The format with include a tour of several subway stations and discussion followed by a mini design workshop. This coincides with the completion of their 100+ SubSeries catalogue (an online edition can be found here). If you're in the NYC area this weekend, you should definitely check out this excellent project.