The SeeClickFix community in Lucy's neighborhood quickly shared the issue on Twitter and posted comments, updates and questions on the original issue. One user even shared a tip on how to help the missing kitty find her way home.If you see a brown and black cat looking like the one in this picture hiding around your house or backyard, please call... her name is Lucy and she got out of the house on Sunday and has not been able to find her way back.
oh and one more the city it is hard for cats to figure out their homes when they roam...if you have a dirty litter box I suggest just putting some around the she can smell her home. I know it is gross....but does help. you can do it in a neat way.
Inspired by this story and similar issues reported through our platform recently, SCF CEO Ben Berkowitz even created a new website that allows residents in New Haven to report and monitor lost cat issues using SeeClickFix powered reporting tools. The SeeClickFix team gets excited about ALL issues that are resolved on our site, but this fix is really the cat's meow*!
*Disclaimer: SeeClickFix Community Managers Megan (who spotted this awesome issue!) and Emma are both self-admitted cat ladies.