Thursday, October 13, 2011

IAA Members Meeting Saturday 15th October 2011

Members Meeting

Saturday 15th October 2011
11am – 4pm

Ashling Hotel, Park Gate Street, Dublin 8

11.00am – 11.45am         Dr Brendan Byrne

Cherith Counselling Centre, Firhouse, Dublin 24
PRESENTATION: Autistic Spectrum Disorders and bullying – an overview of proposed IAA workshops

11.45am – 12.45pm        Professor Errol Cocks MPsych PhD

Professor and Director, Centre for Research into Disability and Society, School of Occupational Therapy and Social Work, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia.

PRESENTATION:  Transition to adult life for young people with disability: Individual supported living and employment – An Australian perspective.

12.45pm – 1.15pm         Break.    Tea, coffee, sandwiches available.

1.15pm – 2.00pm            Mr Ben North

Manager, Region 1, new National Advocacy Service For People With Disabilities.

2.00pm – 4.00pm            Kevin Whelan, CEO, IAA

IAA Activity Report 2011

Jennefer Cullinan, Social Media, IAA
Mobile Phone Appeal update

Kevin Whelan, CEO, IAA
Group feedback on IAA priorities 2011/2012

To facilitate catering arrangements, please call National Office on 044 9331609 to confirm your attendance.

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