Friday, September 2, 2011

TGIF(ixed): Neighbors helping neighbors

Happy Friday, SeeClickFixers! It's been a busy week here at SCF World HQ, but we've made it through and are glad to be saying TGIF! This week, our TGIF(ixed) issue comes from Maureen in Rockville, Maryland, who helped a neighbor by getting a potentially dangerous dead tree removed.

When phone calls and web forms proved to be fruitless for her neighbor,  Maureen turned to SeeClickFix and reported Issue #119349 - Dead tree removal

my neighbor has been trying to get a dead tree removed since last fall but since it's under the power lines and on county property, both PEPCO and the county think it's someone else job. PEPCO only trims branches. The tree is on a street that borders an elementary school, children walk under it and it's so dead the bark is peeling off it.
What went unnoticed for nearly a full year when reported the old-fashioned way was resolved amazingly fast thanks to Maureen's report. Within one week of SeeClickFixin' her neighbors dead tree, she was able to close the issue with a great update!

It's only fitting that our TGIF(ixed) issue of the week hails from the State of Maryland, where officials recently embraced our social platform to help citizens throughout Hurricane Irene. SeeClickFix is thrilled to see this, and many other issues across the Chesapeake Bay State get fixed through our platform.

We hope everyone has a great weekend and can't wait to say TGIF(ixed) to your issues again next week!
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