Monday, September 19, 2011

Another iPad finds a good home.

Dear Jen & Geraldine,

I just wanted to thank you both & all at IAA & BPI Telecom who came up with the fabulous idea of recycling old phones for new devices.

We have been collecting phones for about 2 months. We have an exceptional network of amazing family & friends who collected a terrific number of phones in that time, from their friends, in their workplaces, at kids parties, they were phenomenal. And so too, is the help from yourself & Geraldine both.

We are so grateful to all concerned.

Having a child with Autism brings a steep learning curve. When that child is non verbal, this pervasive quietness falls over the house....he is silent, you eventually forget to speak yourself. You don't even notice that you haven't spoken all morning until that first word. The guilt & the desire to communicate drives you to push them, with flash cards, farm animals, books, objects 'Look, Noel....cow, look, Noel cat'. He rarely looks, he doesn't speak. Instead, he hums....& sometimes smiles.....& sometimes cries....& goes about his business.

We wait with bated breath for Noels first words, but until then this iPad represents another chance for us, to bring this child, our sweetheart, into our world. I cannot wait to get him started with the Grace App & see where we go from there. This technology is no longer a disruption to family life but hopefully a great facilitator.

Thanks to every. single. person. who helped us. In the immortal words of the 'Toy Story' aliens. 'We are eternally grateful'


(mother to Noel)

As of last Friday there were 345 registrations with 46 iPads, 3 laptops and 5 iTouch's dispatched. Information is available in the red links above. If you are interested in registering your family or if your school wants to take part email
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