Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Kids Helping Kids

Abby McIntyre-Tsiang, age 6, works on some art
Yesterday, I discovered a heartwarming and inspiring story about six-year-old Abby McIntyre-Tsiang, daughter of Sarah Tsiang (author of A Flock of Shoes and Dogs Don't Eat Jam). Abby is holding an art show called Kids' Art from the Heart to raise money to help less fortunate children. Proceeds will be going to Doctors Without Borders. In her own words, Abby says she wants to "feed the kids who don't have enough to eat." Her story has been covered by the Kingston Whig Standard and CBC.

Events details:
When: This Saturday, August 13, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Where: The Rocking Horse toy store, 193 Princess Street, Kingston, ON
How you can help:
* Come out and buy some art!
* Contribute your own art for the sale: kids are encouraged to drop off their artwork, with their signature and age, at The Rocking Horse before the show. (Check the website for store hours.)

If you can't attend in person but would still like to help, you can visit the event's Facebook page (note: you need to log into Facebook to access the page), choose a piece of art from the photo gallery, and send Sarah Tsiang a message with proof of your donation (e.g., e-receipt) to Doctors Without Borders. You will then receive the art by mail.

Abby would also like to encourage kids in other cities to hold lemonade stands, art shows, and bake sales in support of Doctors Without Borders. Anyone, small or big, can make a huge difference. As she says, "We should all do what we can."

EDITED TO ADD: Click here for a news clip from CKWS about Abby's event!
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