Friday, July 22, 2011


Here at SeeClickFix, we think it is safe to say that the following statements are universally accepted as being true:

1. Fridays are awesome
2. Fixing things is awesome

With this in mind, we're sharing a few of the many issues that went from open to closed this week on SeeClickFix! Kick-start your weekend by saying "TGIF(ixed)" and check out our fixed issues week in review!


Richmond Hill, Ontario Councillor Greg Beros logged on to update users that Issue #100724 - Broken glass on display- had been fixed. Councillor Beros both reported and closed this issue himself!


Tim Arnold, a SeeClickFix Municipal Avenger in Tucson, AZ closed out 4 graffiti issues he had submitted through the SCF mobile app. Graffiti on intersection barriers, a stop sign, a bike route sign and an electrical box was removed by the City of Tucson (a SeeClickFix partner!) thanks to Tim's reporting.


New trees were the fix for Issue #28915 - Dirt Holes in Sidewalk! Reported by Andrew nearly a year ago, this issue in San Francisco has finally been resolved (and in a very environmentally friendly way)!


A concerned citizen in Charlotte, NC reported that a street light in her neighborhood was fixed on Thursday! Issue #110614 - Street light has been out for at least 5 months - was submitted to SeeClickFix 20 days ago. 


SeeClickFixer Dag from Prince Albert Saskatchewan closed out a graffiti issue he reported earlier this week. Glad Dag started his week on Monday by reporting Issue #113505 - Graffiti - and then ended it with a fix on Friday! 

A huge thanks to these (and many other!) SeeClickFix users for not only reporting their community concerns, but for taking the time to keep their neighbors updated by closing fixed issues! Next week, if you find yourself saying "TGIF" before Friday rolls around, let us know! Send us your closed issue in an email, or tweet it to us @seeclickfix. We would love to share it here next week on the SeeClickFix blog!

Happy Friday, SeeClickFixers!
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