Monday, June 13, 2011

A Bike-Friendly Fix in Brooklyn

Columbia Waterfront Neighborhood Association (CoWNA) member Brad Kerr had a neighbor with a seemingly simple request: a bike rack in front of his home. Realizing that the lack of racks was widespread in their neighborhood, Brad spearheaded an effort to bring more bike parking to the Columbia Waterfront last year. Brad's research on how to fix an issue for his neighbor ended up empowering him to fix the issue for the entire neighborhood! After speaking with Dave Abraham from Transportation Alternatives and SeeClickFix bike rack expert Dan Latorre, he learned while it was a hard mission to accomplish it wasn't impossible.

SEE: An empty sidewalk in need of a bike rack
The key to getting a bike rack? Ask for a lot! Armed community manpower and the SeeClickFix mobile app, Brad and 10 of his neighbors set out to document the need for bike racks. The crew met at the corner of Columbia and Union where they received a quick lesson on how to use the SeeClickFix app, and how to identify potential bike rack locations to report. The group fanned out around the neighborhood, SeeClickFixin' locations that needed a proper place to park a bike. In total, the group reported over 30 issues with their suggestions from their mobile phones.

CLICK: CoWNA organized a team to hit the streets and map locations for bike racks using the SeeClickFix mobile app
Nearly a year after the bike rack blitz, CoWNA board member Chris Barker woke up last week to see some welcomed additions to the neighborhood. Bike racks had been installed overnight, and in the places suggested on SeeClickFix! He quickly shared the news on Twitter, showcasing this community accomplishment to the world. Chris was even kind enough to share a slew of pictures of the new bike racks with us and our followers.

FIX: One of many bike racks recently installed in the Columbia Waterfront Neighborhood!
According to Brad, residents have been putting the racks to good use since the moment they were installed last week. However, a mystery remains: who was responsible for the fix? If anyone knows who was behind the bounty of new bike racks, let us know! Leave a comment here, or give us your tip @seeclickfix! Whoever the fixer may be, the SeeClickFix team couldn't be happier to see the positive changes Brad, Chris and all at CoWNA made to their neighborhood using our platform!
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