Friday, May 6, 2011

SubSeries: Designing an Optimistic Urban Future

Hoping to transform the urban landscape of NYC subway stations, SubSeries recently partnered with SeeClickFix to engage public imagination and solicit ideas from local subway riders. Curated by design partnership Baukunst Studio, SubSeries serves as an unsolicited architecture project to redesign the public space of 12 subway stations.

The project brings together over 20 emerging New York-based architects, designers, and artists to address the question: "What are the most optimistic strategies for reforming this network of unclaimed public space?" Throughout the year, SubSeries will host 12 charrettes, or in-depth conversations focused on re-imagining public space, which will result in visual and written documentation translating their visions. SubSeries will not only highlight existing problems, but also "envision a positive urban future that builds upon the existing subway infrastructure."

Through SeeClickFix's platform, SubSeries hopes to collect information and suggestions from NYC residents about how to improve these urban environments. The project opened one 'ticket' for each of the twelve SubSeries subway stations including Grand Central, Columbus Circle, and Harlem 125th Street. By posting comments, users can share what they think should change and suggest their visions for these spaces. If you have an idea to reclaim these public spaces, join the conversation!

To continue sparking public imagination, SubSeries will be attending NYC's Festival of Ideas tomorrow (Saturday, May 7th) from 11am to 7pm with their installation located in Sarah Roosevelt Park between Chrystie and Forsyth, south of Stanton Street. This event will be just one way SubSeries hopes to engage the public. On June 6th, the collaborators will also be hosting an exhibition preview at Columbia University's Studio-X gallery in SoHo with the final exhibition opening in Fall 2011.

We're incredibly excited to see how SubSeries continues to empower NYC citizens to reclaim their urban environment. Follow the project or learn more here.
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