Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Just a Tweet in the Park

From urban gardens to community murals, we're all about improving the quality of public spaces across the globe. According to TreeHugger, these public spaces may be getting more social (and social media-savvy) with the help of Chris McNicholl.

Designed by McNicholl, the TweetingSeat serves as an interactive park bench designed to connect physical and digital communities. Every time someone sits on the bench, it sends a tweet with two photos: one of the individual(s) on the bench and one of the surrounding environment. Similar to the tweeting tree, the TweetingSeat connects the 'digital to the physical,' using social media to bridge the gap between individuals and their environment. McNicholl explains:
TweetingSeat has been created in order to explore the environments in which it is placed and look at the people whom it encounters. The way in which the bench should be used has purposely been left open, allowing people and communities to build their own relationship with it.
With public space issues regularly reported via SeeClickFix, we want to hear what you think about the TweetingSeat. Do you think it can increase usage of parks and public spaces? Will it help communities become more social? Would you be okay with your photo being broadcast to the Twitterverse? Most important, do you want one in your neighborhood? Leave a comment below or reply @SeeClickFix.

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