Tuesday, April 19, 2011

On the Street With BrocktonBeat

Back in late March, we told you about how one citizen dedicated an entire Facebook page to the pothole-riddled Alger Street in Brockton, MA. Now, the local blog BrocktonBeat has dedicated an entire section of its site to SeeClickFix.

Described as an online news and lifestyle magazine, BrocktonBeat hopes SeeClickFix can help its community better address problems such as potholes, graffiti, and dangerous streets. Just yesterday, BrocktonBeat itself reported an issue to SeeClickFix.

Viewed nine times, Issue #95583-Dangerous curve from 274-254 Howard Street involves the frequent occurrence of cars thrashing residents' lawns in the area. According to BrocktonBeat, there have been three accidents in less than five years where cars have misjudged this curve and/or were driving over the speed limit. The most recent happened three days ago:
Cars, trees, and lawns have been thrashed. Latest on 4/16/11 when a car at 3am missed the curve and ended up going thru 4 peoples' front yards. Thrashed the yards, mailboxes, and doing over $1000 in property damage. 
The BrocktonBeat even shot footage detailing the property damage and the car's 'path of destruction.'

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