Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bikes and Gripes

Earlier this week, we told you about the New Haven Register's new 'Gripe of the Day' feature. On Wednesday, the media outlet investigated the lack of bike racks at Union Station after one resident reported it via SeeClickFix.

Reported two days ago, Issue # 93247-Not enough bike racks at train station highlighted this bike rack shortage. SeeClickFix user Rachel posted that the racks are often full and called for additional space:
There's tons of space, for example, between the garage and the station. More bike racks would be greatly appreciated.
Similar issues, like Issue #89281-Need more bike racks, have been reported in the past and went unnoticed.

Now, thanks to the New Haven Register, the future looks promising for local cyclists! This past week, the newspaper contacted the New Haven Parking Authority about its plans to increase the number of bike racks.

NHPA executive director William Kilpatrick said they will be adding additional racks to accommodate 100 more bicycles. Construction will begin within the next 10 days.

A huge thanks to the New Haven Register for using SeeClickFix to raise awareness about resident concerns. Keep SeeClickFixin'!
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