Monday, July 19, 2010

Issue Spotlight: Cleaning up Milton Street

About a month ago vino5150 reported this issue at SeeClickFix:

"With the warm weather finally here, Milton St. has once again become a "hot spot" for after dark activities. My wife and I have caught numerous cars parked on the side of the street with young people having sex, smoking dope or some other recreational drugs, littering. We've found "chopped' up cars in the woods. Last summer my wife and I were assaulted confronting a group of a young people urinating in the soccer field across from our house. My neighbor just recently caught 4 latino soccer players urinating at the dead end near his house. There are used condoms in the street and little Ziplock bags scattered all over the road which leads me to believe that there is drug use going on. When I informed the police, they stated that they are aware of Milton St. being a problem area. If this is the case, is it too much of an issue to have a patrol car make a random drive down Milton St. at random hours of the night? I work late and when I return home, I've seen numerous cars parked on the side of the street with people in them doing God knows what. The park is technically closed after 8PM according to the signs posted on the streets. After last summer's ordeal of my wife and I being sucker punched in the face by 2 scumbags, I would like to think that a simple random nightly drive by would be the easiest thing that someone can do to help the residents out and ensure a feeling of safety. Summer is here and schools will be out soon. More kids out after dark equals more problems for area residents/home owners."

Today, vino5150 said this,

"GREAT JOB! This summer has got to be one of the best in years. Again a big thank you to Lt. Hoffman and his crew. Never looked better!" 

Great job for reporting the issue and hats off to the New Haven Police Department for monitoring SeeClickFix and getting this neighborhood cleaned up!
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