Wednesday, June 23, 2010

So (Gov)Fresh, So Clean

The website for the Calhoun County Road Commission of Calhoun County, Michigan, got a fresh, clean look–and put SeeClickFix front and center. Thanks to GovFresh's new Gov 2.0 WordPress theme, it's possible to get your site tricked out with Gov 2.0 features for dirt cheap.

The total cost of CCRC's new site? 61 dollars!

CCRC Chairman and avid SeeClickFixer Scott Brown offered excellent testimony to the benefits of this new site:

Our old website was written about 6 years ago using basic html coding. While the site was functional at the time, it was impossible for anyone other than the IT person to update it. Now comes wordpress. The thing we love about wordpress is now anyone from our offices can update information on the site on keep the citizens informed of what is happening. The site took about 50 hours of work, most of which was creating the fillable pdf forms for printing.

We chose to incorporate SeeClickFix on the website because their application on the web, along with their smart-phone apps, make it much easier for our citizens to communicate their concerns. We also chose to use IdeaScale as a way for citizens to have input on ideas for the Road Commission. We feel it is import to get as much citizen input as we can in order to be an effective governmental organization.

We took $61, the dedication and commitment of the Road Commission Staff, smart technology and built a better Web service for our citizens to obtain and give information.

This is a gleaming example of Government at its best. The entire staff, committed to spending taxpayer dollars wisely and providing the highest level of service possible.

Thanks again Luke for helping us accomplish this for our County Residents.

Scott Brown
Calhoun County Road Commission

We'd also like to thank GovFresh founder Luke Fretwell for helping out with the WordPress theme. We hope to see it start taking over municipal websites around the country!

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