Wednesday, February 3, 2010

RPGLE Built in function reference

RPGLE Dreamers built -in functions:
%ABS - Absolute Value of Expression

%ADDR - Get Address of Variable

%ALLOC - Allocate Storage

%CHAR - Convert to Character Data

%CHECK - Check Characters

%CHECKR - Check Reverse

%DATE - Convert to Date

%DAYS - Number of Days

%DEC - Convert to Packed Decimal Format

%DECH - Convert to Packed Decimal Format with Half Adjust

%DECPOS - Get Number of Decimal Positions

%DIFF - Difference Between Two Date, Time, or Timestamp Values

%DIV - Return Integer Portion of Quotient

%EDITC - Edit Value Using an Editcode

%EDITFLT - Convert to Float External Representation

%EDITW - Edit Value Using an Editword

%ELEM - Get Number of Elements

%EOF - Return End or Beginning of File Condition

%EQUAL - Return Exact Match Condition

%ERROR - Return Error Condition

%FLOAT - Convert to Floating Format

%FOUND - Return Found Condition

%GRAPH - Convert to Graphic Value

%HOURS - Number of Hours

%INT - Convert to Integer Format

%INTH - Convert to Integer Format with Half Adjust

%LEN - Get or Set Length

%LOOKUPxx - Look Up an Array Element

%MINUTES - Number of Minutes

%MONTHS - Number of Months

%MSECONDS - Number of Microseconds

%NULLIND - Query or Set Null Indicator

%OCCUR - Set/Get Occurrence of a Data Structure

%OPEN - Return File Open Condition

%PADDR - Get Procedure Address

%PARMS - Return Number of Parameters

%REALLOC - Reallocate Storage

%REM - Return Integer Remainder

%REPLACE - Replace Character String

%SCAN - Scan for Characters

%SECONDS - Number of Seconds

%SHTDN - Shut Down

%SIZE - Get Size in Bytes

%SQRT - Square Root of Expression

%STATUS - Return File or Program Status

%STR - Get or Store Null-Terminated String

%SUBDT - Extract a Portion of a Date, Time, or Timestamp

%SUBST - Get Substring

%THIS - Return Class Instance for Native Method

%TIME - Convert to Time

%TIMESTAMP - Convert to Timestamp

%TLOOKUPxx - Look Up a Table Element

%TRIM - Trim Blanks at Edges

%TRIML - Trim Leading Blanks

%TRIMR - Trim Trailing Blanks

%UCS2 - Convert to UCS-2 Value

%UNS - Convert to Unsigned Format

%UNSH - Convert to Unsigned Format with Half Adjust

%XFOOT - Sum Array Expression Elements

%XLATE - Translate

%YEARS - Number of Years
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