Thursday, January 21, 2010

Good Times in Boston: ALA Midwinter Wrap-up

My coworker Heather and I are back from the ALA Midwinter Meeting, where we proudly displayed our Fall 2009 and Spring 2010 titles (click here for a PDF of our Spring 2010 catalog). Here's a picture Heather took of our booth (er, and me):

That big, striking banner is for our new Single Voice series, which we're very excited about. We've acquired six short young adult novels from French publisher Actes Sud, and are releasing them as three flip-books, with two stories per book. We've also brought author/editor Melanie Little on board to develop more titles with Canadian authors. (We're just finishing up a podcast with Melanie, so I'll let her tell you all about it in her own words, soon!)

As always, highlights of the show included chatting with teachers, librarians, and other book enthusiasts (a lot of people recognized our books or were familiar with our press, which is always nice); visiting other exhibits to see what's coming out in 2010 (answer: lots of good stuff); and giving away posters and catalogs. (I'd love to see a picture of one of our posters in a school or library somewhere... does anyone have one they could send me?)

I also checked out the ALA Tweetup, organized by author Mitali Perkins and book marketer and promoter Deborah Sloan. As with the BEA Tweetup last year, it was pretty packed, but I did manage to meet lots of nice people and have some good conversations. Here's a look at the tweetup from above:

I hope everyone who attended ALA Midwinter had a great trip and brought back lots of new books, ideas, and contacts. For the rest of our ALA Midwinter photos, please visit our Flickr account.
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