Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Claire Eamer Joins Us for Tea Time

Let us not forget that this blog is called Tea Time at Annick Press for a reason: the Annick staff enjoy taking a tea break together in the afternoon, and sometimes we're lucky enough to have one of our authors or illustrators join us.

Yesterday, Claire Eamer stopped by after spending the previous week touring 6 schools and 3 libraries across Ontario for Canadian Children's Book Week. The tour included her impressive collection of stuffed animals--a 3-toed sloth from the Vancouver Aquarium, a platypus, an armadillo, and a giant squid from the Newfoundland Museum--and Claire reported that her favorite part of touring was meeting so many kids that were excited about animals.

After having some tea and and sharing her Book Week adventures, Claire signed some of her books (Spiked Scorpions & Walking Whales, Super Crocs & Monster Wings, and Traitor's Gate).

Claire also volunteered to do a guest blog post for us, so we're taking topic requests. Interested in how she became an author? Wondering how she does her research? Looking for tips on writing science books for children, or using science books in the classroom? Post your questions in the comments section!
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