Friday, February 20, 2009

Kathy Stinson goes to Liberia!

Annick author Kathy Stinson is currently in Liberia working with authors and teachers on CODE's newest project, "Reading Liberia." In addition, she is helping to select manuscripts from Liberian authors for publication. Follow Kathy's experiences on her blog.

The aim of "Reading Liberia" is to increase literacy rates among children in Liberia, to train educators to better use books in the classroom, and to help establish a local publishing industry. For more information on the early stages of this project, please see CODE executive director Scott Walter’s article or read about the project on CODE's blog.

CODE works with local organizations throughout the developing world to empower children to learn and in so doing, delivers an essential, sustainable development solution that endures. Their programs support libraries and teacher training as well as national and local book publishing in more than 17 languages in Africa and the Caribbean.

CODE and IBBY Canada, sister organizations, are in the process of soliciting volunteer mentors, Canadian children's authors, editors, and designers who are willing to share their expertise online with Liberian authors and publishers to produce books for children ages 7-12.
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