Sunday, October 12, 2008

Aviation Sitcom

During a recent email exchange with a pilot friend, we got to fantasizing about how TV might have been used to further interest in General Aviation. This all came about when he saw the 1970's paint scheme on an older twin that I've been flying and dubbed it "The Brady Bunch Plane." For those of you old enough to remember Sky King and Whirlybirds here are some ideas for re-tooling old TV shows so that they would pique the aviation interests of American TV viewers.

"My Favorite Pilot" - A socially awkward aviator tries to fit in with regular humans, enlisting the help of his understanding nephew.

"Have Twin, Will Travel" - Worn out from years of flying in Alaska, a grizzled pilot bounces from town to town, searching for the meaning of life and regular work.

"The Unflyables" - A situation comedy where two inept, inner-city A&Ps trade barbs while collecting junk planes, engines, and avionics.

"Drag Link" - Laconic, emotionless FAA inspectors search for poorly maintained aircraft so they can cite the owners - "Just the logbooks, ma'am."

"Twin Bonanza" - The Cartwright family travels throughout Nevada, trying to do what's good and right, but always forgetting to turn off their strobes while taxiing at night.

Now here's my challenge to you: If you caught the references to the original, old TV shows, perhaps you can think of some other parodies based on the fare that currently graces our airwaves.
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