Friday, September 5, 2008

Brillante Weblog Premio Award

Anastasia Suen nominated Tea Time at Annick Press for the Brillante Weblog Premio Award. Thanks, Anastasia!

I’m supposed to nominate MORE blogs for this award, so, in no particular order, here are a few among the many I love!

1. Open Book Toronto

2. Tanya Lloyd Kyi: My Reading and Writing Life

3. Cheryl Rainfield: Avid Reader, Teen Fiction Writer, and Book-a-holic. All Things Books, With a Focus on Children’s and Teen Fiction

4. So Misguided: A Canadian book blog: Publishing, marketing, books and technology from a Canadian perspective

5. Just One More Book!!

6. Sanctuary for Offbeat and Quirky Children's Lit

7. Cynthia Leitich Smith's blog Cynsations: interviews, reading recommendations, publishing information, literacy advocacy, writer resources, news in children's and young adult literature and her resource site: Exploring Diversity: Themes & Communities (not a blog I know, but worth mentioning)

Rules for next recipients of the Brillante Weblog Premio are as follows:

1. The award may be displayed on a winner’s blog.

2. Add a link to the person you received the award from.

3. Nominate up to seven other blogs.

4. Add their links to your blog.

5. Add a message to each person that you have passed the award on in the comments section of their blog.

Happy reading!
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