Sunday, March 23, 2008

This is to ME

When I try to give money to any beggar, my hand go for only coins. Sometimes I have only 5 Rs above notes, then I won't give . Sometimes even if I have 5Rs notes, I go for 5Rs coin or less . In Chennai, if you have a kind or humble heart, then you have to part 10Rs for beggars everyday from your daily budget. Because that much people beg in front of you. Sometimes I won't have mind ( enough confidence) to give to them. These may be the reasons......
Not have that much confidence : - That means , the money that I made is going away from me with out any benefit. So I am not interested ...
What will think others who are all seeing that?? :- some kind of complex may be due to my status, dress, family prestige etc........

Fake beggars :- ( is now very common ) : Beggars are not now real or they are compelling to beg by some others ( mafia) .
It become a usual thing :- Every day I have to see the same beggars on my way to office.

But usually I try to give something to them. If I think about how much fortunes and happiness God has given to me , I can not avoid them.
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