Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Possible Worlds

Writers of fantasy and science fiction not only have to craft a compelling story, they also need to create a believable world in which the story takes place.

No one knows this better than Dennis Foon, author of The Dirt Eaters, Freewalker, and The Keeper’s Shadow. Over the years, he has led many workshops for young people and adults alike on how to build new worlds. Using the example of the City in his Longlight Legacy series, Dennis guides emerging writers through the steps towards developing imaginary worlds and characters.

As Dennis says, “Creating worlds—whether fantasy, science fiction, or the fusion of the two found in The Longlight Legacy—is a huge job. It took many years to fully explore the story and worlds where Roan traveled. In my workshops, I hope to give the participants a taste of how complex and rewarding these explorations can be.”

Over the next few months, Dennis will offer workshops at the Vancouver Public Library, WordFest in Calgary, and the Denman Island Writer’s Festival.
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