Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Little Black Book for Girlz goes to Italy!

We've just received the Italian edition of The Little Black Book for Girlz - hooray! Annick published this daring, cool, informative book on healthy sexuality for teen girls in 2006 and we’ve sold publication rights to four other publishers around the world – Arcana in Italy; Random House in Germany; Milan in France; and Editions Enfants in Quebec. What’s so cool about this book? It’s written by teen girls for teen girls so addresses the real questions girls ask each other. (But of course it’s also vetted by health experts to ensure the info is accurate…). It was a project of St. Stephen’s Community House, a community-based social service agency in Toronto. Check ‘em out:

But back to the groovy Italian edition…

It’s so interesting to see how a publisher in a different market will package the same book. Check out the Italian cover next to the Annick cover below. Very different, huh?

There's been lots of talk around the table at tea time and we all notice how confident and sassy the girl is on the Italian cover. There's a chick who's comfortable with herself and her sexuality! You go, Girl.

The other editions won’t be published for another year or so, but when we have the covers, don’t worry, we’ll stick ‘em up here!
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