Friday, January 18, 2008

Fear Typhoid fever

Last two weeks I was suffering from heavy fever.That fever taught me a lot. Especially how to face a problem when I am alone.I had medicines from chennai hospitals, but I couldn't stop that fever.It is better to get suggestions or instructions from elders or parents in such situations.I returned back to home and admitted in LF hospital Angamally.Now I am quite ok. It was actually typhoid fever. . In chennai, I will get fever,headache or digestion problem in every month. Main reason for this is the big city's authorities is not caring or noticing the drainage system. When a small rain comes, you can not differentiate between the rain water and sewage water. The sewage water handling is very poor in chennai . The smell that coming from this canals is horrible. It is hard enough to make you unconscious. Everyday I have to cross one such sewage water canal before going to my office in Tidel Park.Why these developed city is lagging or not listening this dangerous problem?? Why the authorities are not caring the health of people??
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